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Overcoming substance use disorders and addiction is not impossible. If you’re ready to get on the road to recovery and reduce the harm to your health caused by crystal meth, opioids, alcohol, and other substances, our Rainbow Recovery Services program could be right for you. Our Recovery Services Specialist will work with you to explore treatment options and develop a recovery services plan to help reduce—or stop—your use of these substances. This free program offers our LGBTQ+ community a non-judgmental, confidential, safe space, with support services to help participants meet and maintain their recovery goals. Services include the following:
No Fee To Enroll
Care Management & Service Coordination Support
Crisis Mental Health Therapy Support
Monday BIPOC Recovery & Resource Circle (drop-in)/ 7:00pm
Weekly, Tuesday LGBTQ NA Group Drop-In/ 7:00pm
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) referrals
Drug Replacement Therapy referrals
Detox Navigation
Overdose Prevention Education
Food Pantry
Gift Cards
Hotel Vouchers
Sober House Navigation
Emergency Rent Assistance
STI/HIV Testing & Treatment
Clipper Cards
Health Benefits Enrollment
Hormone Injection Assistance
Linkage to Primary Medical Care
Please complete the form to schedule an appointment
If this is urgent, please dial 911 or call one of the crisis lines below.
Substance Abuse Hotline: 510-444-4673
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
LGBTQ Youth Crisis Line:
Trans Lifeline:
LGBTQ Elder Hotline:
The Center's Rainbow Recovery Services Program is funded by the California Community Reinvestment Grant (CalCRG), The Center at Sierra Health Foundation and The California Department of Health Care Services.