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Mondays, Wednesdays,Thursdays: 12pm-6pm
Free Condoms & Lube Packs (drop by Monday-Friday)
Testing & Treatment for Clyamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HIV, Hepatitis C, and other STI's
PEP & PrEP HIV prevention treatments
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Free Sexual Health Education Counseling
Benefits Enrollment
Access to primary medical care for low income individuals
Linkage to other services
We are happy to offer Q-Care Plus a telehealth program that allows you to receive free PrEP and screen for HIV and other STI's from the comfort of your own home.
Click Image Below.
What are my risk for getting HIV?
How do I prevent myself from HIV infection?
STD/STI Risks and Treatments
For more questions about sexual health services or to make an appointment for a STI screening, please call our clinic at 510-781-2639.

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